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Most advertising is targeted to a consumer audience. Therefore, consumer spending and corporate profit can have a large effect on total media expenditure when combined.

The emergence of new media technology has changed the way people consume media. Traditionally, advertising agencies have made the bulk of their revenue from TV and print media, but many users now read the news online, decreasing the demand for newspapers

Since the mid-2000s, the internet has been a particularly strong growth area in domestic advertising. Developing technologies, such as mobile and online gaming and music streaming platforms, offer new revenue streams for agencies that currently rely on the declining print sector. As the consumption of new media increases, the resulting demand for services related to digital advertising is also increasing. Moreover, social media has been crucial to the success of industry operators. The omnipresence of social media sites and forums has been a boon for industry operators during the current period and will likely continue influencing demand as clients attempt to monitor and monetize their social media campaigns.